SEAN Uganda TEE as an NGO has the mandate to serve the whole country. Among other places the following regions have benefitted from the SEAN Uganda ministry:
A) Central Uganda
In Central Uganda, SEAN Uganda TEE ministry has got historical working relations with the six Anglican Dioceses of Namirembe, Luweero, Mukono, Mityana, West-Buganda and Central Buganda dioceses. SEAN groups have been set up in a number of Anglican Parishes and churches.
SEAN work has also benefited independent churches and other denominational churches that include Presbyterian, Baptist, independent and Pentecostal churches.
B) Eastern-Uganda Region
In the Eastern Region, SEAN Uganda pioneered discipleship work in Mbale and Palisa mainly through the ministry of pastor Peter Nakisisa of the Presbyterian Church in Mbale and Rev. Wandera of North Mbale diocese. SEAN work has also historically been in Busoga diocese through the services of Rev. Tigayiza.
In 2019, SEAN opened up groups in the Soroti Sub-region covering districts like Soroti, Kumi, Serere and Amuria. Soroti sub-region being one of the recent developments in the discipleship vision has a unique scope. Many interdenominational Churches are reached and coordinated in clusters, through which SEAN served their discipleship needs.
C) Western and South-Western Uganda
In this region work has been centered in the Anglican, Pentecostal, independent and Presbyterian churches. In Mbarara, Ntungamo, Kigezi, Bushenyi and Isingiro, there are SEAN groups that continue to grow in their Christian faith. Perezi Bemereirwe has been promoting the work in this region for more than 8 years.
This region also has seen the SEAN ministry introduced in churches and prisons in the Kasese sub region.
D) West-Nile Region
The SEAN ministry in this region was pioneered in the diocese of Nebbi. Today other dioceses like Madi and West-Nile Diocese have followed suit to benefit from the SEAN discipleship ministry particularly in Ayavu parish where Rev. Joseph Chandia serves as a parish priest.
SEAN courses have since been used in many other Churches in the region to promote their discipleship cause.
E) Northern-Uganda
Kitgum diocese received the pioneer discipleship work in the region under the Episcopal leadership of Bishop Benjamin Ojwang in 2013. A group of 35 tutors were trained to kick start the discipleship work in the diocese. While the SEAN work in this diocese needs a boost, SEAN remains the only discipleship programme that has made historical impact according to Rev. Charles Okidi.
F) North-Eastern Region
SEAN ministry was pioneered in Karamoja region through Rev. Ongom Richard of North Karamojja diocese in 2012. In the recent past, the work has further grown in various Anglican, Baptist and Pentecostal churches in Moroto and Kotido areas through our partnership with Africa Inland Mission.